Monday, March 2, 2015

Blue Topping Tutorial Video

This video details the process of the calculations of blue topping. Due to it being winter I was unable to demonstrate the physical actions required for measurements and setting the hubs. I spend most of the video explaining the calculations as the measurements and setting the hubs is relatively self explanatory. As the video was too large to upload to blogger, it is currently being hosted on YouTube.

Blue Topping Usability Report


Usability refers to the ease of use of a product or process. Usability testing is the means of gathering data on the usability of a product or process. Typically feedback on these tests will pertain to the learn-ability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction of a design.

  • Learn-ability- how easy it was to understand the design?
  • Efficiency- how quickly can the design be followed once it is learned?
  • Memorability- are the steps easy to remember or relearn?
  • Errors- how frequently do errors occur and how significant are they?
  • Satisfaction- was the design pleasant to use?

Blue Topping

For my usability test, I wrote instructions on how to blue top. Following the completion of the curb on both sides, the gravel base of the road is graded to the correct slope and elevation. Blue topping is the process of setting wooden hubs into the ground at the elevation of the crown of the gravel base. I wrote four usability questions based on what I thought were the most vital points of blue topping.

  • Were the instructions for the calculations easily comprehended?
    • The calculations are the most important part of blue topping. If done incorrectly, the entire process would need to be redone.
  • Should I go more into the purpose of blue topping or why it is helpful?
    • I covered it only briefly since the purpose of the video will be the process itself, but if it would help it can be added.
  • Was my explanation regarding when blue topping occur clear enough?
    • For someone without construction or surveying experience, it might be difficult to understand what phase the road is in when blue topping occurs.
  • Do you have any other questions or comments?
    • It would be easy for someone with experience on a topic to miss a concept that might be essential to a person who is just learning it. 

Usability Test Report


My topic is blue topping. My target audience will be my class mates and perhaps novice surveyors. 


I want to present the methods and calculations required for blue topping in a manner that someone with little to no experience would be able to understand.


This draft of my instructions will hopefully be close to what my final product will look like. My test users will be two civil engineering students, one with surveying experience and one without. My third user will be a management information systems major with no prior knowledge of the topic. 

The users will be presented with a cross sectional drawing of a road and will be asked to calculate the elevation of the crown of the gravel base of the road relative to the curb. Then they will be given two curb elevations and will be asked to find the crown elevations relative to the laser level. It will be a written test and calculators are allowed. There is no time limit. 


As I expected the civil engineering student with surveying experience had zero problems with the instructions. The civil student without surveying experience was also able to complete the test with minor difficulty. Unfortunately the MIS major got hung up on the computation. After giving him a slight nudge in the right direction he understood what he had done incorrectly.

Fortunately I included my fourth usability question. All three said I needed to include instructions on how to read a grade rod while using a laser level. After doing it for two years in a row, reading the rod never crossed my mind as an important detail to add. The reason it can be a tad tricky is due to the fact the small numbers mean higher elevations on a grade rod, whereas most people would logically think the opposite. 


Aside from the oversight of the grade rod, the rest of the instructions were rated well by my users. I plan to add a section about reading the grade rod right after the step discussing the calculations. In my video I also hope to find graphic aids to help show the operation of a laser level and grade rod. 

Controlled Rocking Buildings

A major problem with current standards for building structures in the US is that they normally only account for vertical and normal forces. The downside to this is that earthquakes cause horizontal and lateral forces. Most buildings are simply made strong enough to prevent a collapse or loss of life, but accept minor building damage. In areas as North Dakota, the minute chance of an earthquake occurring makes it unnecessary to worry about such precautions. In places like California though, earthquakes can lead to huge building repair costs following frequent earthquakes. A recent study at Case Western Reserve University has produced results of a new technology that could help prevent even the majority of minor damage to structures in areas of heavy seismic activity.

Rocking Technology

Michael Pollino
Although not the inventor of the idea, Michael Pollino, an assistant professor of civil engineering at Case Western Reserve University, has created a program that allows him to compare their performance versus current earthquake standards. The technology can be a bit difficult to understand, but the theory behind the idea is relatively simple. Imagine you are waist deep in a jar of maple syrup, and somebody begins to shake the jar. The jar and syrup will move, but you will move less and more slowly as the syrup dissipates the lateral energy.

With that concept in mind, think of the foundations of a building. Usually they are steel or reinforced concrete beams with a concrete base. The idea is that instead of using a concrete base, the bottoms of the columns would be set in a heavily viscous liquid. Steel-based frames would be used to act as springs to pull the building back towards a homeostatic position. The combination of both of these technologies results in a building that will slightly rock when hit with lateral forces. 

Future Applications

Although this technology is not being practices in the field at the current time, many researchers are beginning to support the concept. Pollino and his colleagues hope to form a technical committee that will attempt to bring this concept out into the design world. There are still many details to work out, but his group is confident is the potential of this technology.

Concept drawing of a rocking building
The idea of rocking buildings could revolutionize the design of future buildings in California and other areas where earthquakes frequently occur. Unfortunately this concept does nothing to help currently standing buildings. Since the rocking device will be put on the base columns, this needs to be done prior to construction of the building. I believe an imperative future application of this technology should be a way to adapt is to existing structures. New buildings would be fine during earthquakes, but damage to nearby structures could result in damage to these new buildings anyway.